Family admission 3 hours
4310 Kč
Go with the whole family to the unique sports and amusement park TEPfactor!
Voucher information:
- Admission to TEPfactor Games for 3 hours for 2 children and 2 adults.
- Children are persons under 15 years of age.
- The voucher is valid the day after purchase and is valid for 12 months. It may not be extended.
- Cannot be combined with other discounts.
- If you want to play for more than 3 hours, you will be charged extra game time according to the valid price list.
- Vouchers, including a tax document, will be sent electronically to your e-mail address as soon as we receive the payment.
- It is possible that the e-mail with the voucher will fall into spam. Check this folder in your email :) as well.
- Payment option: via PayU / online card / bank transfer.